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This “Healthy” Oil Makes You Fat and Worsens Memory

This “Healthy” Oil Makes You Fat and Worsens Memory

By James Templeton

Forget the health claims made about this vegetable oil – which actually isn’t even a vegetable. Today, we're talking about the truth about canola oil. Research has already shown an increased risk in cardiovascular disease from vegetable oils, but a new study from Temple University just came out, showing mice fed the human equivalent of just 2 teaspoons of canola oil daily for 6 months experienced weight gain and significantly worse memory.

When the researchers dug deeper into this canola oil controversy, they found an increase in harmful beta amyloid plaque in the brain, which resulted in considerable damage to neurons and indicators of synapse injury, which lead to damage in memory formation and retrieval. On top of that, the mice fed canola oil gained a significant amount of weight, as compared to the control group, which didn’t gain any weight. When you add these issues to the increased risk of cardiovascular disease, this makes canola oil the new villain of the fats.

The Cover-Up

Can you imagine how hard this lucrative industry is working to keep you buying their products despite this damaging information? I can’t help but use cowboy logic here –they’re leading you to the slaughter chute but are distracting you from it with labeling tricks and trying to make their unhealthy GMO products look healthy. Personally, I’ll be reading labels and double-checking all the packaged food items in my home to make sure I completely eliminate all sources of canola oil.

The reason I ask so many questions when I go out to eat is because of issues like this one with canola oil. I’ve had the waitress assure me they use only olive oil, and I’ll ask to see the bottle. They usually bring out a big plastic jug that says “Olive Oil” but when I read the ingredients it says it’s made with a blend of olive and canola oils. When it only takes the human equivalent of 2 teaspoons of canola oil each day to give a mouse impaired brain and memory function and weight gain, it’s vitally important we find every source of canola oil in our diets and remove it.

From Bad to Worse

There are other issues with these polyunsaturated GMO fats like canola oil. Canola oil comes from the rapeseed, a member of the cabbage family nobody had heard of until they started making oil from it. Virtually all rapeseed is now genetically engineered (GMO) to be tolerant to RoundUp herbicide (glyphosate). This isn’t good news because of the increase in allergies from these GMOs and the issues of toxicity with the RoundUp itself, which is a known carcinogen.

A common question at this point is “what about organic?” This oil is still inflammatory, partially because of the way it’s processed. The processing of canola oil involves pressing, heating, using industrial chemicals and highly toxic solvents. Even when it’s cold pressed, the processing is less toxic but the fatty acids in canola oil will still sit in the cell membranes and increase harmful oxidative chain reactions. The body sees it as toxic and stores it in your fat cells.

Are you asking questions about what’s in your food? Do you care enough about your health and your family’s health to step out of your comfort zone and ask questions in a restaurant? I’ve personally overcome terminal cancer and genetic heart disease naturally and I’ll do whatever it takes to stay healthy for the rest of my life.

What To Do When You Can’t Avoid It

If you travel and have to eat in restaurants frequently for your work, exposure to some canola oil may be unavoidable. Here are a few things I recommend in situations like this to minimize the effects of canola oil:

  1. Keep your diet full of healthy fats like extra virgin olive oil, full fat coconut milk, nuts, ghee and grassfed meats. If you have to fry, use avocado oil or macadamia nut oil. When you eat an anti-inflammatory diet rich in these healthy fats, it should protect your health with small, occasional exposures to harmful oils.
  2. Take extra digestive enzymes when you eat foods with canola oil to break it down more quickly and move it through your system.
  3. Take antioxidants and eat antioxidant-rich foods to quickly heal any inflammatory damage done by canola oil.
  4. Take GLA-90 (gamma linolenic acid) from cold pressed black currant seed oil to fortify your cell membranes and protect from inflammation. GLA will also activate your body’s fat burning and help you shed those extra pounds faster.
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