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Is Colon Cleansing Your Missing Link to Weight Loss?

Is Colon Cleansing Your Missing Link to Weight Loss?

You may have 20 pounds of waste sitting in your colon right now.

Unless you’re among the small percentage of people who get regular colonics, that’s how much waste the average American adult has piling up in their intestines, and it can seriously affect your digestive health, as well as your weight loss. According to a 2016 study, the average American is getting more than 50% of their calories from ultra-processed foods, like sugary drinks from Starbucks, pizza, sodas like Coke and Pepsi, microwaveable meals, cookies, candy, fried chicken, greasy burgers and fries.

These “Frankenfoods” are loaded with artificial ingredients that have names you can’t even pronounce. And they’re missing one key ingredient – fiber. So they sit in your gut for days or even weeks, fermenting and rotting instead of digesting and providing nutrients. Constipation, inflammation, nutrient deficiencies, bloating and weight gain are just some of the results.

Your body can’t digest these foods, so they sit in your colon as old, rotten feces and mucus and impair the digestion of the healthier foods you eat. Pretty soon you’re bloated, tired all the time, depressed, and catching every bug you come in contact with. It comes as no surprise then, according to the National Institutes of Health, up to 70 million Americans are dealing with digestive problems like Constipation or Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

Constipation is No Joke

Constipation is no laughing matter. If you aren’t moving your bowels after every meal you eat, then you are, by definition, constipated. Your body has a reflex, known as the gastrocolic reflex, which stimulates movement in the colon when you start eating. The amount of food you eat and the temperature of your food and drinks affect the strength of this reflex. With high fat meals and cold drinks the reflex is stronger, producing a bowel movement more quickly. Caffeine and fructose may also speed up this reflex to the point of being uncomfortable. This is where Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) starts for many people.

For every foot of colon, your body can store up to 10 pounds of poop. The average adult’s colon is 5 feet long, so if you are constipated, you could be storing up to 50 pounds of poop! In fact, in autopsies, there have been reports of colons weighing up to 40 pounds with retained stool in them.

Constipation Causes Weight Gain

Let’s think about what this means. You have several pounds of retained waste in your colon if you aren’t eliminating properly. Normally poop is made up of 75 percent water and 25 percent solid waste. The solid waste consists of dead bacteria, indigestible food matter, cholesterol and other fats, cell debris, and inorganic material. It gets its color from bile pigments and broken down blood cells. Bacterial action is responsible for the smell.

When you are constipated, your body recycles everything it can. Bile is a precious commodity, so that toxic bile gets circulated back to the liver to be re-used, and congests the liver in the process. Fluids are extracted from the waste and processed through the kidneys, putting strain on the kidneys to filter all that wastewater. In the process of extracting the fluid, the waste sitting in your colon becomes hard, dry, and compacted, making it harder to move through. This means toxins are accumulating, which are then shuttled to fat cells to be stored since they can’t be eliminated, and this causes not just water weight and bloating, but also fat gain.

If constipation is a cause of your weight gain, then Bile Builder is a must-have to cleanse that toxic bile and get toxins flowing out through your colon again so you can lose the weight. Fat cells that are loaded with toxins won’t leave until the toxins have a way to be eliminated; these fat cells are a protective mechanism of your body so you don’t get sick from all the toxins circulating.

Gut Feelings

If you are experiencing “brain fog,” depression, anxiety, or mood swings, it could be all in your gut. Up to 95 percent of your body’s neurotransmitters like serotonin are made – and used – in your gut. When you eat processed foods, your body has to use its own nutrient stores just to break that food down, so it causes a net loss in nutrients, with no gain. This process uses up magnesium and potassium, 2 very important nutrients that help your food move through your digestive system. The end results are constipation and nutrient deficiencies.

It also uses more neurotransmitters to digest and process this junk food, leading to an imbalance in your “feel good” hormones, if not a deficiency. When you are under stress, these hormones are signaled by the brain to “speed up” and this chemical surge causes everything from anxiety, insomnia, trouble swallowing, and the “butterflies” in your stomach, to diarrhea, cramping, and neurotransmitter deficiencies.

The real solution to this lies in your microbiome – the colonies of healthy bacteria that protect your health. These good bacteria in your intestines produce neurotransmitters you can use to optimize your digestion and your moods. There are trillions of bacterial cells in your microbiome, but only billions of cells that make up your body. You are outnumbered by the bacteria and other microorganisms that live inside you.

When you take a probiotic to try to restore the balance and feed your microbiome, a dose much larger than what’s recommended on the bottle is needed to be effective. This is one of the reasons why Flora-Key Probiotic Powder comes as a powder and not in capsules, to make it easier to reach the doses you need to promote healthy digestion and good moods. Once your microbiome is restored to health, moods are stable, digestion moves smoothly, and because toxins are being eliminated, weight loss becomes much easier.

Your Gut is a Big Part of Your Immune System

Your digestive system is the main entry point of outside toxins, and as such is an important barrier between you and environmental toxins and invaders. It makes sense then that 80 percent of your immune system is in your gut. Your gut-associated lymphatic tissue (GALT) and microbiome are components of your immune system that are attached to the mucosal lining of your intestines. When that lining is covered with old, rotting feces, it makes it difficult for your immune system to do its job, and as a result, you catch colds and flus more easily, and the gut is virtually defenseless against invading parasites and Candida fungal overgrowth.

People are often shocked to hear parasites are a common issue here in the US. If you have pets in your home or eat raw foods, then you have come in contact with parasites. If you have constipation then you have a weakened immunity to parasites and may be harboring them in your colon right now.

Here at UNI KEY Health, we have received many stories over the years of parasite cleanses causing dramatic weight loss. Here is just one story of how our colon cleansing kit helps you lose weight and feel better:

“I DID IT TO FEEL BETTER & IT WORKED! Before using UNI KEY’s Colon Cleanse…I felt horrible all the time. I knew I was eating all the wrong foods and I continued to do so. I had horrible migraines all the time. 3 weeks into the program I feel amazing! Absolutely amazing! I lost 10 lbs the first full week. I went from a size 22 to a 16 and I continue to lose weight…I wanted to do the cleanse not for weight loss, but to feel better. Now I feel fantastic!” – Bonita O.

Eliminate Daily to Lose Weight and Feel Great

There are amazing benefits to being regular. When you do a natural colon cleanse then repopulate your microbiome with a good probiotic, you will flush all that old waste out and your digestive health will improve. You’ll fight off common illnesses, have a lot more energy, and best of all, boost your metabolism to burn fat and shed more pounds. Your vitamin, mineral and nutrient absorption will skyrocket and you’ll feel the difference – you won’t feel run down all the time. Your moods will be better and your memory sharper. Isn’t it time to purge all that old waste from your body and get started feeling better and burning fat?

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