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Fighting Candida Yeast

Fighting Candida Yeast

By James Templeton

The last statistic I saw said the average American is eating more than 150 pounds of sugar per year, and it’s causing a lot of health problems. In my mind, candida yeast overgrowth is one of the most common and most serious underlying health issues we face. People don’t understand how bad it is, the brain fog and spacey feeling that come from having too much yeast in the body masks the seriousness of how awful you really feel.

Just like baker’s yeast makes bread rise, candida yeast makes you bloat, and that’s usually the first sign you notice when you have an overgrowth. From ear infections in children to fatigue and joint pains in adults, common symptoms we take for granted often have candida yeast as a cause. It causes weight gain and intense sugar cravings which make it hard to stick to your diet. Candida overgrowth affects immunity, energy, nutrient absorption, allergic response, overall inflammation – it tears you down on all levels.

Back when I saw clients, over half the people I saw had an overgrowth of candida or systemic candida. I could see it in the blood; it doesn’t act like other fungi – it clusters together, like little grapes. It was off the charts in people with cancer or AIDS. I saw a medical doctor from Canada with AIDS who had more candida gumming up his blood than I’d ever seen before.

Candida yeast feeds on sugar and gives off alcohol as its byproduct. This is why people feel foggy and forgetful when levels are high in the body. There are documented cases of people so full of candida that they register a blood alcohol level even when they haven’t been drinking!

Why Candida Grows

Yeast is everywhere, even in the air, so you can’t avoid it. Usually it’s kept in check by a healthy microflora, the trillions of good bacteria that live in your digestive tract. Yeast overgrowth is common after taking antibiotics because they kill off all kinds of bacteria, including the healthy probiotics. This leaves room for the yeast to overgrow.

The body normally has a system of checks and balances to keep this kind of thing from happening, but the toxins we come in contact with are causing this system to break down. For instance, copper is a natural fungicide; we use it on fruit trees in the Spring to prevent mold and powdery mildew infections. But most of the copper we are getting in our bodies is biounavailable, so the body can’t use it for its intended purpose and yeast grows unchecked.

Candida yeast does have a purpose in the body. When digestion is poor and stomach acid is low, the food you eat sits and rots rather than being broken down properly by stomach acid, bile and digestive enzymes.

Yeast comes in and turns the rotting into fermentation, much like we make wine from grapes or beer from hops. This is where the bloating comes from. Once it’s fermented, nutrients become more available. Even though the process takes longer than regular digestion and isn’t ideal, it is better than the toxic byproducts from food decaying and rotting inside you. It’s still a problem though, and is a breeding ground for a host of diseases. Find out how to fight candida yeast infections below!

Clear Out Candida

The best defense I’ve found against a candida yeast overgrowth is to quit feeding it sugar. No sugar, honey, maple syrup, processed foods or sugary drinks of any kind. No fruit or alcohol. A low carb diet high in greens and organic vegetables with good quality proteins and fats is the best defense against yeast overgrowth. Fermented foods aren’t a good idea initially because they encourage the environment the yeast set up in the first place. Once the yeast is treated and stomach acid is back to normal, a small amount of lactofermented food like sauerkraut can be introduced.

A good cleansing supplement, like our Y-C cleanse, along with our HCL +2 Supplement for sale to increase stomach acid, digestive enzymes and a good probiotic taken 3-4 times the normal dose come together as a good anti-candida program. The initial detox can cause both constipation and diarrhea. It’s a good idea to have an herbal laxative on hand, because clearing out the candida and its byproducts will lessen the detox symptoms. The diarrhea is helped by the high dose probiotics, and should last a few days, at most.

You’ll know you’ve made headway against the candida when the bloat is better, the brain fog lifts, and you may even have more energy. I’d like to hear your experience with overcoming candida yeast, please share your success story with me by leaving a comment.

For more help with sugar cravings, read Beat Sugar Cravings for Good!

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