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Have This Breakfast For Summer Weight Loss

Have This Breakfast For Summer Weight Loss

It’s not too late to lose weight for swimsuit season. Here’s how…

It’s that time of year when we’re all thinking about shedding a few pounds. Looking in the mirror has us wondering what it’s going to be – tank tops and shorts or long and loose to cover up again? Wouldn’t it be amazing to feel confident and even sexy again, by slimming 5 to 10 pounds of belly fat?

Even with the busiest schedule, losing a few pounds isn’t out of your reach. The secret to summer weight loss is easier than you think, and research shows it starts first thing in the morning.

The Skinny on Skipping Breakfast

When it comes to shedding unwanted pounds, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Whether you run out the door with just a cup of coffee or whatever you can grab on-the-go, you’re missing out on a golden opportunity to kick-start your daily weight loss. Skipping breakfast (or skimping on breakfast) may make you feel good at first, and that may even last until lunchtime. But your sleeping metabolism wakes up with gusto when those afternoon cravings for cookies, candy, and chips hit, leaving you feeling almost powerless to fight them.

What’s happening behind the scenes? That morning jolt of caffeine from your must-have cup of java wakes your adrenal glands, which are responsible for your stress response. This puts you in a state of “high alert” and spikes your cortisol level. Now you feel like you’re energized and ready to tackle the day, but your blood sugar drops in response to the rush of cortisol your adrenals sent. This starts the blood sugar rollercoaster, which thwarts even your best weight loss efforts and has you eyeing the vending machine by three o’clock.

Fluctuating cortisol and blood sugar levels not only cause mood swings and sugar cravings, but also lead to weight gain. It’s true – limiting your calories by skipping breakfast actually increases that spare tire around your middle and encourages your body to hold on to excess fat. Lose those stubborn pounds by waking your metabolism up with what it craves the most.

Start Your Day Off Right

The best-kept secret for summer weight loss isn’t found in some exotic herb that magically melts away pounds. And while getting up an hour early to go sweat off extra pounds at boot camp is admirable, over-exercise can trigger cortisol-based weight gain the same way skipping breakfast can. If you want your supplements and exercise to work together and help you shed those unwanted pounds, you need protein first thing in the morning.

When it comes to protein intake, timing is everything, according to a recent study. Eating a protein-rich breakfast caused women to lose more weight – and lose it faster – than women who ate a smaller breakfast or skipped it altogether. Women who ate their protein at breakfast also experienced more energy and lost not just weight but inches off their waist and hips.

And there’s more good news about a protein-rich and healthy breakfast for weight loss. According to a study just published this week, your biological clock, also known as your circadian rhythm, is in control of your energy balance and metabolism. Researchers found waking up your metabolism in the morning with protein gives you more energy and sets you up to burn fat all day long, while giving your adrenals what they need to maintain healthy cortisol and blood sugar levels all day, keeping cravings at bay and reducing belly fat.

No Time? No Problem!

Now that the secret is out – protein for breakfast slims you down and boosts your energy while eliminating cravings – how do you fit it into your busy schedule? With 20 grams of pure plant protein, our Fat Flush Body Protein is a quick and easy way to start your weight loss day off right. Our vegan rice and pea blend has one of the highest Protein Efficiency Ratios on the market and is free of common allergens, which is important for preventing belly bloat and “false fat.” It’s also GMO-free and undergoes stringent purity and heavy metal testing.

Add your favorite fruit and greens to Fat Flush Body Protein and start your day with a smoothie that jumpstarts your metabolism, satisfies your hunger, and leaves you feeling energized throughout the day.

Just last month, Michelle S. dropped us a note to tell us:

“I love love love this protein powder. I have used it for a little over 2 months and have lost 11 pounds and a couple of inches from my hips and waist.”

Kymm H. had this to say…

“I look forward to having a protein shake. Tastes delicious and keeps you feeling full for hours! I’ve tried many other protein powders and always go back to Fat Flush Body Protein, there is nothing else like it!”

One way to make your morning prep even faster is to prepare all your smoothie ingredients the night before or even on a “prep day”, into individual serving sizes so in the morning you can just add Fat Flush Body Protein, blend it and go. To lose weight even faster, try our 2-Week Smoothie Shakedown program. In just 2 weeks you can lose up to 20 pounds!

Get FREE shipping on your order of a 2-Week Smoothie Shakedown Bundle or Fat Flush Body Protein with coupon code FREESHIP, now through 6/30/2018. SHOP NOW>>

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Team UNI KEY - May 20, 2021

Marie, Please call UNI KEY to get your free bonus items. 800 888-4353. Thank you.

Team UNI KEY - May 20, 2021

Kathy, One of the items in the bundle was temporarily out of stock. The Smoothie Shakedown bundle is available again now. Here’s the link:

Lisa - May 20, 2021

I love the Whey powder and enjoy smoothies often.

Kathy Robertson - May 20, 2021

I watched the video and decided I wanted to try the 2 week fat buster bundle. I tried to order and it showed as Sold Out!! I was bummed. I was impressed that you bundled with vitamins as well. Will this bundle be available soon? Thanks!

Marie DiLauro - May 20, 2021

Purchased your new book " Radical…"on Amazon Kindle version. Cannot access an order number. Please send me link for free bonus.

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