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thyroid toxins

Are Hidden Thyroid Toxins Making You Tired?

Support your tired thyroid to recharge your energy and boost your fat-burning metabolism.

Angelik was diagnosed with hypothyroidism and always felt tired after work. With thyroid medication, she had just enough energy to get through her workday, but once she got home it was hard to make dinner or do anything else. Because of her tired thyroid, she struggled with metabolism problems and weight gain, too.

There is nothing normal about feeling tired all the time. If you struggle with:

  • weight that won’t come off
  • fatigue that isn’t relieved by sleeping
  • lack of energy during the day
  • depression
  • constipation
  • dry skin and hair
  • loss of appetite
  • fluid retention
  • insomnia
  • muscle aches and stiffness
  • low libido

A tired thyroid burdened with toxins may be to blame – even if your thyroid tests look normal or you’re already on thyroid medication.

Thyroid 101

Your thyroid is a small, butterfly-shaped gland that sits above your collarbone, at the base of your neck. Don’t let its size fool you – this little gland has a big job – it produces hormones that affect every cell in your body. Your thyroid controls how fast or slow you turn the food you eat into energy (known as metabolism), it regulates your body temperature (which turns on or off thousands of enzymes), and it supports your digestive, nervous, and immune systems.

Your thyroid is extremely sensitive to environmental toxins and soaks them up like a sponge. Over 21 billion pounds of toxic chemicals are being released into our environment each year, with over 4.5 billion pounds of this being known cancer-causing chemicals. These thyroid toxins make their way into the air we breathe, the food we eat, water we drink, and eventually into your thyroid gland.

By the time you feel sluggish and start packing on the pounds, your thyroid has been struggling enough to send SOS signals to your brain – specifically the hypothalamus and pituitary – and they haven’t been able to keep up with the demand.

This often shows up as an elevated TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) level on your blood tests, and a diagnosis of hypothyroidism is made as a result. Depending on the toxins you come in contact with, further testing may reveal you have an autoimmune thyroid condition, like Hashimoto’s or Graves Disease.

Rescuing a Tired Thyroid

You may feel like once you’ve been diagnosed with a thyroid condition, your thyroid is a “lost cause” and all you can do is take medications the rest of your life. Or perhaps you feel frustrated because you have all the symptoms of a thyroid problem but your tests look normal, so you can’t get the medication that has helped so many of your friends.

The good news is you can nourish and support your thyroid to better health, no matter the diagnosis you have – or don’t have. Here’s how:

1. Mind Your Minerals. One reason your thyroid is so sensitive to toxins is because of its need for minerals. Iodine is essential for your thyroid to make its hormones, and Dr. David Brownstein estimates 90 percent of Americans are iodine deficient. This is because our soils are iodine depleted and our diets are low in iodine, but there’s also another reason. 

We encounter high amounts of chlorine, fluoride, and bromine in our daily lives, which are all in the same family as iodine. These are in such abundance in our water and food that they out-compete any iodine that we have, and as a result, hormones are made that aren’t biologically active. This means you have all the symptoms of a thyroid problem, but your thyroid blood tests may look completely normal.

There are also heavy metals that can displace iodine and disrupt thyroid function. The worst offender is mercury, which is also neurotoxic and wreaks enough havoc to double the risk of developing autoimmune thyroid diseases. Other heavy metals that are toxic to the thyroid include aluminum, arsenic, beryllium, cadmium, lead, tin, and uranium.

We offer Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (known as HTMA or TMA) to measure levels of both heavy metals and helpful minerals that you may have too much or too little of. This test comes with a detailed report of which metals you have in toxic levels and where you may have been exposed to them, plus which minerals you are deficient in and how to restore healthy levels.

We also keep Iodoral in stock, an iodine supplement that can help you build your iodine levels back up and make healthy thyroid hormones once again. Iodine is also essential for stomach acid production and estrogen balance. Avoid iodine disruptors like fluoride and chlorine in your water by installing filters on your drinking water, showers, and bathtubs.

2. Get Rid of Gluten. Gluten is a protein found in grains like wheat, rye, and barley, and is hidden in many processed foods. Gluten intolerance isn’t just a digestive issue, and isn’t limited to only Celiac disease. The science isn’t completely settled on why gluten is such an inflammatory food for so many people, but new research points to glyphosate and other chemicals used on these grains while they’re growing.

Gluten contains a structure so similar to thyroid tissue, that once your body is sensitive to gluten and starts mounting an immune response to it, it will also cause you to attack your own thyroid. To stop this reaction, ALL sources of gluten must be eliminated for your body to begin healing.

3. Support Your Glands. Your glands and organs work together synergistically to support each other for optimal functioning. Thyro-Key was created specifically to enhance the synergy and support thyroid function:

  • The hypothalamus of the brain helps with metabolism and thyroid signaling, 
  • The pituitary is the master gland which supports thyroid function and overall hormone health, 
  • The parotid glands help with heavy metal/mercury overload from dental amalgams and other dental work so they don’t overtax the thyroid,
  • Liver glandular gives detox support for thyroid cleansing and thyroid hormone T3 conversion,
  • Adrenal glandular helps with stress management and T3 hormone activation

Because Thyro-Keycontains no thyroid hormones, it won’t interfere with any medications or natural thyroid support you’re already taking.

If you’ve been struggling with a sluggish thyroid and still gain weight and feel tired despite all the hard work you’ve put in, then you need the comprehensive new Radical Metabolism plan from Ann Louise Gittleman. It’s designed as a detoxifying lifestyle to rebuild your health at the cellular level, detox your overworked thyroid, restore your energy levels, and finally lose those inches and pounds that have been hanging on for far too long.

The post Are Hidden Thyroid Toxins Making You Tired? appeared first on Your Health Keys.

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Roberta - March 29, 2019

I do have a lot of these symptoms. Great information!

Edith Mullen - March 18, 2019

I had no idea this could be happening. I’m on thyroid medication. I would like to try some natural approaches.

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