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Collagen 4+ is here!! Shop the most advanced collagen formula on the market.

Health News

  • Can’t Lose Weight? The Stress Factor
    June 6, 2017

    Can’t Lose Weight? The Stress Factor

    The warm weather is here, and with it comes the latest styles of swimsuits, crop tops, and shorts. Are you ready to bare your midriff? Or, are you frustrated because no matter how much you exercise and try to eat...

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  • MTHFR Gene Mutation: Can You Rewire Your Genetics?
    May 4, 2017

    MTHFR Gene Mutation: Can You Rewire Your Genetics?

    Tired, stressed, not feeling well, and tests are positive for the MTHFR gene mutations? Still not feeling well after taking methylated B vitamin based supplements? You’re not alone. Over 40% of the population today is estimated to have one or...

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