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Radiation, The Invisible Health Threat

Radiation, The Invisible Health Threat

By James Templeton

These days we hear a lot about cell phone radiation, EMFs, and the cumulative effect of too many x-rays, but you don’t hear about nuclear radiation. Even though we can’t see it and most of us don’t feel it, it’s still a threat to our health. Multiple studies done since the Three Mile Island meltdown in 1979 show cancer rates soar within 100 miles of a nuclear power plant, especially in children – but nobody is talking about it.

In the US, we have 104 nuclear power plants similar to Fukushima and Chernobyl, over 5,000 atomic warheads in storage, and over 100 million pounds of nuclear waste. We have reactors like Hanford in Washington state actively leaking radiation despite cleanup efforts. It’s in the air we breathe, water we drink and bathe in, and the food we feed our families.

New Jersey “Flu”

I felt healthy and energetic when I moved to New Jersey, and had completely recovered from the cancer. Not long after I got settled there, I started feeling flu-like all the time and was achy, tired and nauseous. Occasionally I’d have a sore throat like you get with swollen glands. My upper back and neck felt tight, like I’d been put into a vice. I hadn’t felt anything like it before and worried the cancer could be coming back.

I started hiking in upstate New York with the Appalachian Mountain Club on the weekends. All my symptoms would go completely away while I was there, but shortly after I’d get home to New Jersey they’d all come back. The fact it would come and go just by changing locations told me it wasn’t cancer but something in my environment that was making me feel sick.

I discovered I lived 2.5 miles as the crow flies from a nuclear storage facility. There are also 16 nuclear reactors at 7 plants in a 90-mile radius in this area, the densest concentration of nuclear facilities in the US. It wasn’t long before I left and moved to Massachusetts, and all my symptoms went completely away.

Fallout in Santa Fe

Some years later when I moved to Santa Fe, New Mexico, those flu-like symptoms came back. I knew Los Alamos was only about 20 miles away and there was a potential for radiation exposure, but I believed the area was so health conscious that it wouldn’t be enough for me to get sick from it. I was wrong. I’d feel good during my morning run, but by the time I was done showering I’d feel tired and run down again. I found really high radiation readings there, even in the water, which explains why I felt worse after a shower. The underground nuclear storage facilities leaked radiation into the water table, and even the water being sprayed on organic foods contained radiation, so the food felt lifeless and didn’t seem to give me much energy when I ate it.

Repairing After Radiation Exposure

I was working at Dr. Hazel Parcells’ lab about an hour away in Albuquerque and learned how to make a homeopathic remedy to fight the effects the radiation was having on me. She also taught me about salt and soda baths: dissolve 2 cups of sea salt plus 2 cups of baking soda in a fairly hot bath and soak for 20 minutes at least twice a week if you have a radiation exposure or live near a facility. With severe illness she would mix a teaspoon each of baking soda and sea salt into a quart of water along with some cream of tartar (for the potassium) and have you drink 8 ounces every hour for 2 hours, then 2 hours apart for two more doses, then once every three hours until all symptoms are gone.

Not everyone feels lower level radiation exposure like I do, but that doesn’t change the cancer risks. Radiation targets the thyroid first, which can cause fatigue, hair loss, neck and back pain. Flu-like feelings, weakness, headaches and nausea are signs it’s affecting your immune system. Vitamin C to bowel tolerance, Vitamin E 400 IU, potassium iodide in Lugol’s solution, phosphatidyl choline in sunflower lecithin, and alpha lipoic acid all help with radiation exposure. After Chernobyl they used a niacin sauna detox program with good results as well.

We are careful to avoid too many x-rays and CT scans, but ignore the leaking nuclear reactor just a few miles from our backyard. Research it yourself – look at maps like to see what kind of exposure you’re having on a daily basis.



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