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James Templeton - I used to have cancer

I Used to Have Cancer

It’s been more than thirty years since I beat terminal Stage IV Melanoma cancer, and I want to share my cancer story with you.

When I was in my early thirties, I was in the prime of my life, living the American dream. I had a beautiful wife and baby daughter, a nice home on a small ranch, and a number of successful businesses in my East Texas hometown. I started each day with a long run and ate a vegetarian diet full of salads, determined to do everything I could to prevent the heart disease that runs in my family. But a suspicious looking mole at a routine physical brought my entire life to a screeching halt.

Cancer can bring you to the lowest – and highest – points you’ve ever been in your life. Hearing the words “You have cancer” just knocks the wind out of you and drops you to your knees. My entire world crumbled around me as I fought for my life. It took my mind and body through the darkest and most difficult times I’ve ever had. 

On the flip side, there is no greater joy than saying the words “I used to have cancer” while looking in the eyes of someone fighting their battle and giving them the hope they desperately need.

I feel like I’ve been given a second chance at life and want to get my cancer story out there to as many people as I can, and teach them what I’ve learned about how to fight cancer and win. This is why I wrote my book, I Used to Have Cancer.

Thanks to all of you, since it came out last week, it climbed to the top of the Amazon rankings in its category!

I Used to Have Cancer book


Here are just a few of the wonderful reviews that have been written:

"Inspiring well-written book! Full of useful, practical tools and information. James Templeton’s new book, “I Used to Have Cancer – How I Found My Own Way Back to Health”, is a well-written, entertaining and informative tool that will arm anyone with the information they need to increase the odds of beating cancer. He offers deep wisdom and insight into how to live a healthy lifestyle that will help anyone achieve optimum health and wellbeing. James shares his incredible journey to regain control over his health after the diagnosis of Stage IV melanoma over 30 years ago, and he offers practical advice and recommendations to follow so that you will gain the knowledge needed to overcome cancer and experience one of God’s greatest gifts – good health. I highly recommend reading this book to anyone with – or without cancer."   

- Dr. Margo Parker, OMD, L.Ac.


"Inspiring, Enlightening, and Endearing – and it could save your life! James most certainly walks his talk. Cancer-free from what is generally considered a death sentence, he shares his personal health journey, step by step, to help others overcome or prevent this dread disease, explaining how to redirect and heal the body by natural means. A must read!"

- Hyla Cass, MD, author of 8 Weeks to Vibrant Health


"Informative, Uplifting & Empowering. I just finished reading the book “I Used to Have Cancer: How I Found My Own Way Back to Health” by James Templeton. I loved it… I’m in awe of his sheer determination to fight this dreaded disease. It is so informative, uplifting, and empowering. I now feel I have the tools for prevention and a better understanding that YOU are in charge of your health. The power of positive thinking along with the right foods and supplements help you navigate your way to good health. Kudos to James for sharing your story!"

-Sharon Brekke

"Excellent resource in the “war against cancer.” I received this book one day ago and have not been able to put it down. I know there are alternative treatments for cancer because I have been studying them for a decade and natural medicine actually saved my life as well. I have been an ardent follower of The Truth About Cancer, Chris Beat Cancer, Kris Carr’s Crazy Sexy Cancer and lots more, and I plan to recommend this insightful and inspiring cancer journey and recovery with others. I think this book is scientifically sound and provides the reader with time tested treatments for all sorts of cancers. I love that he mentioned one of my all time favorite books, Curing The Incurable by Dr. Thomas Levy. Intravenous vitamin C is so effective in most cases. The world is very lucky to have this book and the great information it provides. Cancer definitely does not have to be a death sentence, but one must educate themselves and not fall for the Nocebo effect and fear mongering of allopathic medicine. A positive attitude and mindset is critical! Highly recommend this book!" 

- Marianne K. Wohl

"What a tribute to the fighting spirit! James Templeton tells his important story in a heartfelt, entertaining way. His colloquial style and casual manner make reading a joy – it is both memoir and cancer healing guide, masterfully woven into one. I particularly enjoyed his discussion of the macrobiotic diet, which I don’t hear much about these days since the onset of the keto-craze. I have never read a health book that felt like reading a novel – until now! I highly recommend picking up a copy of this book if you are struggling with cancer or any other serious disease, or you simply need to feel inspired, encouraged, empowered. Great job, James Templeton!"

- Grateful One


I’m vibrantly healthy and blessed beyond measure today. What seemed like the end of the world over thirty years ago turned out to be an amazing journey with twists and turns I never could’ve imagined. I’ve traveled the country – and the world – and met some of the most inspiring and fascinating teachers I’ve ever known. I’ve been privileged to share the past 28 years of my life with one of them…Ann Louise Gittleman.

If you or a loved one are struggling with an illness of any kind and need hope and encouragement, I would love for you to read my book, I Used to Have Cancer. People call me a born storyteller and I think that’s one of the things too often missing in this modern day. Our stories and those of our ancestors let us know where we came from and reassure us that we have the ability to survive and thrive despite life’s greatest challenges. We can learn from others so we don’t have to repeat the same mistakes.

It has not only been my purpose in life, but my greatest honor to help others. I plan on spending many years to come – as long as I can – continuing to help people through UNI KEY Health, by teaching and developing quality products that can get to the root causes of health problems.

The post I Used to Have Cancer appeared first on Your Health Keys.

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Judy Becker - May 16, 2019

Thanks for telling your story. I enjoyed reading it very much.

Marlana Sherman - May 14, 2019

I have enjoyed reading all of your articles on your website. I cannot wait to read your book.

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