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Energize and Recharge Your Body With These Missing Minerals

Energize and Recharge Your Body With These Missing Minerals

by James Templeton

So much of life is about chemistry, everything from choosing your spouse to digesting your food. It’s this chemistry that energizes your body, the same way it powers your laptop, your watch, and even your car. The energy running through your body works like a battery, transforming chemical energy into electrical energy, and electrolytes are the catalysts –the spark plugs – for creating the energy in your body.

Energizing Electrolytes

Your body is electric, and to make it work the way it should you’ve got to have the charge, which comes from minerals known as electrolytes. Once you take in electrolytes through food or drink, they dissolve into positive and negative charges. These charged particles have 2 main jobs – sparking nerve impulses and regulating the flow of water into and out of cells.

Electrolytes are involved in most processes of the body, from your heart beating to your brain remembering, because all of these processes use energy. When you are deficient in electrolytes, your body becomes more acidic and negatively charged, and your energy level drops through the floor. You are essentially an electromagnetic ball of energy and you’ve got to have the minerals to attract the magnetic energy that sustains life.

The 7 essential electrolytes are Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, Phosphorus, Sodium, Chloride, and Bicarbonate. Deficiencies in any of these minerals can lead to life threatening consequences if severely lacking.

Missing Minerals Make You Feel Miserable

Our overworked and underfed soils are depleted of many of the minerals we need to sustain our lives and health. Even when we consume organic produce and start replenishing the minerals in our bodies, environmental influences quickly rob us of them. Electrolytes are found in your body fluids so you lose some whenever you sweat or catch a stomach bug. Radiation supplants minerals in the body, leading to electrolyte imbalances and issues with nerve conduction and fluid balance, making you feel miserable.

Mind Your Magnesium

Low magnesium causes insomnia and poor sleep, body aches, constipation, high blood pressure, weak bones, and tight muscles. Deficiency is common, especially as we get older. Sugar, alcohol, and stress are the main lifestyle factors that cause magnesium to run low. It takes 54 molecules of magnesium to process 1 molecule of sugar, and alcohol is a type of sugar, so even a little wine will cost you a lot of magnesium. Stress depletes magnesium and low magnesium magnifies the effects of stress, creating a vicious cycle.

It’s time to take a “chill pill.” Supplementing with magnesium is key with today’s fast-paced lifestyles. Magnesium is essential for the proper functioning of your central nervous system and has a relaxing effect on everything from anxiety to tense muscles.

Over the years, I’ve noticed people still have symptoms of deficiency from missing minerals even when they’re supplementing with plenty of magnesium. I found absorbability is a big issue when it comes to magnesium supplements. Many forms of magnesium clear constipation and even cause loose stools before you can get to the dose you need. Our Mag-Key was specially formulated to be readily absorbed without the digestive consequences. It contains Magnesium Glycinate for your mind, Magnesium Malate for your muscles, Magnesium Taurate for your heart, and Magnesium Orotate for your cells, along with Vitamin B6 for optimal absorption.

Just Add Salt

For decades, we’ve been advised to eat less than 2500mg of salt. However, recent studies show an increase in deaths from heart disease when consuming less than 3000mg of salt. Sodium, Chloride, and a variety of trace minerals are all balanced in unrefined salt. A moderate amount of good salt is important; it positively affects your energy levels, your adrenal health, and your cellular pH levels.

Rather than following government regulations based on studies in rats from the 1950s fed such high amounts of salt we can never achieve in our diets, I recommend listening to your body instead. What most people think of as a detox reaction with fatigue, headaches, and body aches is usually your body crying out for the minerals in unrefined salt. A small pinch of salt under the tongue can relieve these symptoms almost instantly, giving you a sign your body needs more salt.

Salt is a pH stabilizer and balances fluid levels in the cells, which are very important functions, but you can get too much of a good thing. When you get a headache in the back of your head, tight muscles, sleepy and lethargic after meals, and loose stools, your cellular pH has gone too alkaline and it could be from too much salt or something you’ve eaten. Raw apple cider vinegar (ACV) by the teaspoon balances this out and within a few days should have you feeling a lot better.

Choose your salt carefully. A lot of sea salt is high in mercury now because of ocean contamination. Toxic overload of mercury doesn’t just come from your mouth; seaweeds, ocean fish, and sea salts all are contaminated with toxic mercury now. If you find yourself having muscle twitches and facial twitches after consuming these foods, these are signs of mercury toxicity and you need to eliminate them from your diet. Real Salt, which comes from Redmond, Utah, is my salt of choice right now.

Power Up with Potassium

If you are achy and feel flu-like, with tight muscles and no fever, you may be low in potassium. I’ve seen potassium depletion in people who live in areas where there is a lot of atmospheric radiation; close to a nuclear facility or where the winds and weather patterns carry radiation from meltdown areas like Fukushima, Japan.

Too much potassium or too little can cause life-threatening issues, so I don’t recommend taking a potassium supplement, which isn’t well absorbed anyway. Instead, I recommend making Potassium Broth. There are many variations on this recipe, but this one is simple and easy to remember:

Potassium Broth
  • Use all organic ingredients
  • Peels from 4 well-scrubbed potatoes
  • 4 carrots, peeled and chopped
  • 4 celery stalks, chopped
  • 4 quarts filtered water
  • 1 bunch fresh parsley
  1. Place all the ingredients except parsley in a large pot and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer for 30 minutes. Add parsley and simmer for 5 more minutes.
  2. Cool and strain into glass jars. Serve warm by the cupful with a pinch of unrefined salt. Drink up to 1 quart per day.
  3. This broth stores well in the refrigerator. Freeze what you won't use within a week.

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