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This Essential Nutrient Helps Heal Eczema, Psoriasis and Dry Skin

This Essential Nutrient Helps Heal Eczema, Psoriasis and Dry Skin

Your skin is trying to tell you something is missing.

Winter is in full swing, and the combination of dry indoor air, less sunlight, and cold temperatures can cause eczema and psoriasis to flare up. But there’s good news, in the form of an essential fat that can help heal eczema, psoriasis, dry skin, and other stubborn skin symptoms. Fatty acid deficiency has been shown to contribute to many skin conditions, including eczema and psoriasis, and may just be your missing link to healthy skin. Continue reading to find out how to heal eczema, psoriasis, and dry skin with this key nutrient.

The Right Essential Fat Helps Heal Dry, Itchy Skin

Essential fatty acids have been found to be deficient in up to 90% of adults. What makes a fat “essential” is that by definition, we can’t make it ourselves; it has to come through the diet. With sources like borage, black currant, and evening primrose, it’s no wonder people choose to supplement this essential fat rather than try to incorporate these unusual plants into their food plan. Studies show Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA), an essential Omega 6 fat found in these plants, helps skin stay hydrated and builds beautiful, glowing skin, even in cases of eczema and psoriasis.

GLA – the Most Overlooked Anti-Inflammatory Nutrient

Omega 6 fats, as a group, get a bad rap. They are touted as the inflammation makers, because of over-processed, rancid vegetable oils like soybean and canola, which have now been proven to be harmful to health. But not all Omega 6 fats are created equal. Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA) is a superstar nutrient that quells inflammation and has decades of studies to back up its health claims. These studies show GLA to be helpful in cancer therapies, autoimmune diseases, diabetic neuropathy, lung injuries, arthritis, dry eyes, and more. It’s no surprise then, that this superstar nutrient handles skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis with ease.

Eczema and Psoriasis – What’s the Difference?

In both eczema and psoriasis, inflammation causes a disruption to the skin barrier. With eczema, when the skin barrier is no longer able to function properly, breaks in the skin allow allergens to penetrate, and this is when the itching and rash appear. Although there are several types of eczema, the one characteristic they share in common is a broken skin barrier with an inflammatory response that leads to an itchy, red rash.

In a psoriasis flare, skin cells are triggered to grow at an abnormally fast rate, disrupting the skin barrier. This comes when an autoimmune response is triggered within the body, and leads to a red, raised, scaly rash that looks similar to eczema. Your dermatologist distinguishes psoriasis from eczema by the location, shape, size, and discomfort of the rash.

In a nutshell, eczema is from inflammation caused by the outside environment while psoriasis is an eruption from inflammation inside the body. Both conditions lead to the same problem – a compromised skin barrier in need of healing, and for both, GLA comes to the rescue.

Repair the Skin Barrier

About 20 percent of the skin’s outer layer, which serves as its barrier, is made of essential fatty acids, including GLA. By supplementing with GLA, you reduce water loss from the skin, keeping it hydrated, smooth and supple. When this barrier is maintained, allergens can’t get in and cause the eczema rash. GLA is a potent anti-inflammatory full of antioxidants, and calms the inflammation associated with psoriasis flares.

Black currant seed oil contains the best anti-inflammatory balance of essential Omega 3 and Omega 6 fats to soothe dry, red skin. Just 2 capsules twice daily of our GLA-90, with meals, can help restore balance and hydration to your skin, from the inside out. As an added bonus, GLA has also been shown to help with weight loss and achy joints.

Beautiful Skin is an Inside and an Outside Job

This time of year, with the dry air we’re exposed to, skin is more prone to damage, and our BeauCle Ultra Hydration Moisture cream is rich in essential fatty acids to support skin and provide a non-greasy barrier of protection. Camelina sativa seed oil and sea buckthorn oil are sources of both omega-6 and omega-3 fats. Camelina sativa seed oil has long been used successfully for serious skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis. Sea buckthorn’s rich supply of omega-3, -6, -7 and -9 not only promotes beautiful skin, but also assists in collagen development of the skin. Skin moisturizers are best applied right out of the shower, while skin is still damp, to protect its moisture content and keep it smooth and supple.

Dry, itchy skin will just be a memory when you nourish with GLA, inside and out!

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Maggie Day - November 25, 2019

Trying something new

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