Multi-Spray Shower Filter
Shower with peace of mind knowing your water is safe from contaminants like chlorine, iron and more!
Shower with peace of mind knowing your water is safe from contaminants like chlorine, iron and more!
You can feel secure knowing your shower water has been made safe from contaminants including both free and combined chlorines, dirt, sediment, odors, hydrogen sulfide, iron oxides and more.
You absorb 6 to 100 times more chlorine in a shower than you do by drinking the same water. For almost 100 years, chlorine has been added to disinfect our municipal water supply. The level of chlorine in your area depends on the quality of your water supply, but even if there is no noticeable smell, the chlorine may still be present. Chlorine absorbed in the shower dries the skin, decolorizes and causes brittle hair, causes eye irritation and inhaling chlorine vapors can cause an allergic reaction.
The multi-spray shower head water filter simply screws on in place of a standard shower head.
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Replacement filter schedule:
Approximately every 6 months or 10,000 gallons, whichever comes first.
After purchasing Ann's book, Radical Longevity I became hyper vigilant of the need to filter more of the water in our house. We can't yet afford a whole house water filtration system. However, we've been filtering our drinking water for a number of years. I now realized it was time to filter our bathing water also. Knowing our budget was tight, I started the process by bottling the filtered water from the kitchen and taking it to my bathroom. I found I could wash my body in my bathroom (using a small amount of water) and my hair in the kitchen sink. I did this for 3 weeks before my husband asked me why I wasn't taking a shower. He then consented to allowing me to shop for a shower head that filters the water. A thorough search of the internet revealed no trustworthy option under $76 that actually did what it reported which was filtering out chlorine, lead, and iron. The UniKey shower head with filter is outsourced from a reputable company that specializes in water filtration, cwrenviro.com. When we're ready for a whole house water filtration system, I've decided this is the company to use. I highly recommend this shower head if you're only looking to filter out chlorine, lead & iron. It produces a good shower experience without sacrificing on water flow or functionality of the filter. After catching up on some of my missed showers, my husband recently commented, "my hair has a shine to it that he hasn't seen before." The UniKey shower head with filter is a good value for the money.
I love it. It was easy to install and it works beautifully. My skin doesn't dry out as much anymore.
Haven’t had it for that long ,so far it’s great.
This works great and has many settings. It was very simple to install and now I can shower in clean water
Clean water. Soft skin and hair. Definitely, recommend.