I thank myself EVERYDAY for that moment. The Fat Flush Smoothie Shakedown has been nothing but a success for me. In the first 2 weeks I lost 15 lbs with no trouble at all. I LOVE the taste (Cherry and Cinnamon is my favorite combo) but most of all I love the way it makes me feel- inside and out! Not only did I loose the 15 in the first 2 weeks, but I also lost almost 2 pant sizes.
I went from a 12/14 to an 8/10. YUP! Those are a size 8 in that after photo and I can breathe and I need a belt to take up the extra! The 6's button but not quite ready to go out in public in them just yet. I just completed a second round and am down another 8 lbs. It would have been more, but my schedule didn't allow for as much exercise this time around. I have noticed that it really does target that belly fat and those dreaded love handles (cringing)!
"The Fat Flush Smoothie Shakedown has been nothing but a success for me. In the first 2 weeks I lost 15lbs with no trouble at all."
I feel GREAT and my son has learned to be healthier too. I am a regular person, working 40 hours a week, raising a son and having fun with life. If I can do Fat Flush Shakedown and be successful, so can you. What's 2 weeks? It's 2 more weeks being unhappy or 2 weeks feeling good about yourself and your lifestyle change! And you will be thanking yourself for it too! So go ahead, just say "YES" to yourself, for yourself, and hit order. You won't regret it. I don't - I crave it!
† Individual results from our products & programs vary; All testimonials are real life customer experiences; Weight loss on our Fat Flush and Smoothie Shakedown diets is typical for people who follow the plan.
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