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Health News

  • Tapping Into Your Higher Power
    November 10, 2017

    Tapping Into Your Higher Power

    By James Templeton  I was losing the battle with cancer – I could feel it. I overheard the nurses talking about the day before, when they let my temperature get so high during the treatment that I almost didn’t come...

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  • How Vitamin C Saved My Life
    October 9, 2017

    How Vitamin C Saved My Life

    By James Templeton Vitamin C was key to healing my cancer naturally and keeping me around for the long haul. When you charge like a bull into your own healing, willing to fight and do whatever it takes, I believe...

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  • Naturally Boost Immunity to Beat Back-to-School Bugs
    September 13, 2017

    Naturally Boost Immunity to Beat Back-to-School Bugs

    It’s the back-to-school time of year again and it’s not long before kids are bringing artwork, homework and germs home to share. What more can you do besides staying hydrated, covering those coughs, and a lot of handwashing? Here’s a...

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  • Herbal Wisdom for Allergy Relief
    August 8, 2017

    Herbal Wisdom for Allergy Relief

    It’s that time of year again where itchy eyes, running nose and sneezing can be your constant companions. Long before we had antihistamine pills and steroid shots, herbalists used nature’s pharmacopoeia to relieve the discomfort of seasonal allergies and even...

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  • James Talks: Lessons Learned
    June 16, 2017

    James Talks: Lessons Learned

    As a 30-year survivor of Stage IV Melanoma, I understand what it takes to beat cancer and live a long and healthy life. (Read my story here) Because UNI KEY Health is all about universal keys to health and healing,...

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