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Collagen 4+ is here!! Shop the most advanced collagen formula on the market >>
Collagen 4+ is here!! Shop the most advanced collagen formula on the market >>

Health News

  • elderly couple looking at a prune
    November 23, 2022

    Pruning Up Your Bones

    It is possible to stop bone loss from further increasing as we get older and this boron rich fruit can actually reverse bone loss back to normal density.

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  • My TOP 10 Tests for Heart Disease
    November 23, 2022

    My TOP 10 Tests for Heart Disease

    Even though we’re in the midst of a pandemic, heart disease has not gone away. In fact, in addition to being the leading cause of death in the US, it’s one of the risk factors for a worse outcome if you become infected with the virus. But with heart disease being a silent killer for most women and some men, we need to look at the 10 most reliable predictors we have for a heart problem on the horizon. And spoiler alert: cholesterol falls pretty far down the list.

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  • Collagen Conundrum
    March 8, 2018

    The Collagen Conundrum

    Is collagen-boosting bone broth powder safe? What do beautiful skin, thick hair, strong bones, and flexible joints all have in common? The answer is collagen, the most abundant protein in the human body. Pound for pound collagen is stronger than...

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